Sunday, January 29, 2012

Hello World. You out there?

I've decided to start blogging!
When my husband and I got married in May 2009, I started blogging, but did not keep up with it. This past year I have changed my lifestyle and am determined to continue with this path, so here's to blogging!
A little about me:
My name is Amy.
I'm 25 years old, 26 in March.
I've been married to my wonderful husband since May 30, 2009.
We don't have any children yet, however we have a little doggy who keeps us busy.
I have both my Bachelors and Masters degrees, however, I am going back to school for nursing.
My husband is a phenomenal computer programmer.
My husband and I are very close to our families.
My sister (who just turned 29 yesterday) has a son who is 2 1/2 years old and I adore him.
My parents have married for 30 years in August and they are still crazy in love.
I was a competitive swimmer all through college and my husband played on our college's football team.
I recently joined Weight Watchers, so look forward to some weight watcher friendly recipes.
That's good for now, you'll learn more about me as I continue blogging!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I love blogging, haven't been doing it for long but find it very rewarding for lots of reasons. Congrats on your happy life and healthy goals.
    I'm over at
